在全球严峻的疫情下,准备留学申请的学生家庭、留学生们面临着极大的考验。今天,我们邀请了融尚南希伙伴资深教育顾问 Hamilton Gregg 与大家远程“对谈”。收下来自 Hamilton 的这封“信”,看看他都说了哪些有价值的建议!
There is no question that COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. Schools are closed, students are having to learn remotely through a variety of means. Adjustments to time and family life have had to been made. Social distancing, quarantines, stores and restaurants closed, and lots of bad news. It is hard to keep one’s head focused on the future. But that is what's necessary.
Here are a few things to remember:
1. 情况可能会变得更糟。大多数国家正在采取行动帮助解决这一流行病,并已取得成效。我们看到中国局势得到极大的改善,国家开始恢复正常。
It could be worse. The actions that most countries are taking are helping to resolve the pandemic are beginning to work. China has drastically improved the situation to the point where things are beginning to get back to normal-ish.
2. 现在的情况让我想到“活在当下”这句老话。虽然世界似乎正在崩溃,但事实并非如此。你能做的就是把注意力集中在你今天需要做的事情上——学校作业、项目等等…...全力以赴。
The old adage One Day at a Time is an important one to live by. While the world seems to be crumbling, it is not. What you can do is focus on what you need to do today –– school work, projects etc... Do your best.
3. 合理利用时间,避免拖延。制定完成任务的时间表。学校任务、锻炼、阅读、写作、和家人一起玩游戏(注意不是电脑游戏,而是经典游戏,或者一起创造新的游戏吧!)。保持积极参与的状态会让你更加专注当前的任务。换句话说,保持忙碌!
Use your time wisely, avoid procrastination. Set a schedule to get things done. School work, exercise,read, write stories, play games with your family (not computer games, but good old fashion ones or create something new!) Being active and engaged keeps you on task. In other words, keep busy!
4. 劳逸结合,合理的规划时间,不要过于放飞自我!
Keep balanced. Manage your time wisely, don’t over indulge!
5. 避免消极情绪。没有什么比消极更糟的了。它会让你精疲力尽,带来抑郁、坏习惯,并可能发展成一个恶性循环。做一个感恩清单——你感恩的小事情——感恩你头上的屋顶、桌上的食物、健康、你的教育,一个充满爱的家庭和好朋友。保持简单。
Avoid negativity. There is nothing worse for the psyche than negativity. It wears you down, brings on depression, bad habits and can grow into a vicious cycle. Make a gratitude list – small things that you are grateful for – a roof over your head, food on the table, good health, your education, a loving family and good friends. Keep it simple.
6. 创造积极性——不要把注意力放在不太好的事情上,而是创造改变。想想你的家人,你的家,你的邻居,你的社区。你能做什么积极的事情。记住有人比你的情况更糟。他们需要你的能量。
Create positivity – instead of focusing on the not so good things, create change. Think of your family, your home, your neighbors, your community. What positive things can you do. Remember there are people worse off than you. They need your good energy.
7. 具有创造性——想办法调动你的左脑。尝试一些新的东西,研究或调查一些你一直感兴趣但没有时间进行的话题。
Be creative. Think of ways you can engage your left brain. Try something new, research or investigate topics that have always interested you but maybe you haven’t had the time.
8. 一切都会过去。有些地方的情况可能会更糟,但正如我们所看到的,每一时刻都在发生变化。不要后悔你做得不好或者做了什么。你不能怪病毒或环境。做好你自己。
This too will pass. It may get worse in places, but as we have seen there is change coming. Don’t have regrets that you didn’t do well or get something done. You cannot blame a virus or the circumstances. There is only you.
上面提到的不仅是出于个人更是以学校的立场给出建议。请记住,如何度过眼前的状况是很重要的。你们中的许多人已经在寄宿学校或大学学习。最近随着一系列标化考试成绩——如 ACT、SAT、托福以及 IB 考试纷纷取消考试,预计A – Level(在英国已经取消了)也会很快采取措施,AP 课程可能都会以在家考试的形式进行,学校和大学将需要重新考虑他们的招生考量方式。我们知道的是,在学期末之前你如何管理这段时间,这将是最重要的验证方式。换句话说,保持你的成绩,不断进步。学校会密切关注你的成绩,COVID-19 不是借口(对大部分人来说不是)。
A lot of the above is not only personal but about school. Remember that how you do through these circumstances is important. Many of you have applied to boarding schools or university. With the recent news standardized test scores – e.g. ACT, SAT, TOEFL and today IB exams, expect that A Levels (yes, they have already been cancelled in the UK) and possible take home exams for AP, schools and colleges will need to rethink their side of admissions. What we do know is that how you manage this time, before the end of semester/term will be the most important validation. KEEP YOUR GRADES UP, in other words. School swill be looking closely at your grades and COVID-19 is not an excuse (generally speaking).
If you are going to apply next year to schools, the same applies. But there are other things you should be doing if you are about to enter the admission cycle.
1. 做学校研究,深入研究。一开始要大范围搜索可能适合你的学校,然后随着时间的推移缩小学校范围。
Research schools and research them deeply. Be broad and wide at first, then narrow over time.
Attend virtual tours and admission sessions
For schools that you are interested in, click on the "More Information" tab in admissions so that you get on their radar.
Talk to current students or alumni
Prepare for standardized tests even though they have been postponed.
参加 Duolingo 英语考试 —许多学校都在英语要求中加入了这一项,作为托福或雅思的替代品,或作为额外参考信息。
Take a Duolingo English Test – many schools have added this to their English requirements either as a replacement for TOEFL or IELTS or add additional information.
If you are a junior, you can start working on your application:
Open a Common Application account if you are planning to apply to the US. Other countries you need to wait awhile. Make sure you are opening an account for the next admission cycle 2020-21.
Start thinking about or writing your personal statement. I strongly recommend avoiding – How I Survived COVID – 19 as a topic. But instead think about some of the factors that lead to change in you. Be a little more creative and thoughtful. It will be an overused topic.
Build your resume starting from the Grade 9 equivalent to now: sports, clubs, organizations, other activities and interests.
Think about how these interests have changed, guided and developed you.
Why do you do them? Because you are good at them or genuinely interested.
What have they provided you?
You have the ability to make your world right side up. Don’t allow it to be upside down. Human intelligence has solved far greater problems and issues. Be part of the change even if it is in a small way. Work now and you will be better prepared for the future.
Stay safe, be healthy and as always remain grateful.
感谢大洋彼岸的 Hamilton 送给我们的建设性建议,对于当前的形势 Hamilton 还专门录制了一支视频通过屏幕和同学们聊聊天,刚刚读完了“信”的小伙伴,现在点击视频来看看 Hamilton 的另一面!(有彩蛋)