融尚南希伙伴与各大顶尖美高集思广益设计出的项目 OnBoard+ 将于9月1日正式启动,该项目为无法按时返校、无法预约签证或者由于疫情选择秋季上网课的中国学生和家庭提供更安全、高质量、有社区感和系统课外活动的线下学习环境。
OnBoard+ 的学生导师们均来自于各个顶尖的美国高中和美国大学。他们大部分都是融尚南希伙伴的校友,我们非常荣幸也很自豪一路陪伴并目睹他们的成长,非常期待看到他们亲自参与培养下一代的美高美本小校友们,为他们注入榜样的力量。
Hi! I am Harry, a rising sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania studying biology and business. I graduated from Kimball Union Academy, a boarding school in New Hampshire, as the salutatorian and a member of the the Cum Laude Society.
I am interested in Chinese herbal medicine, molecular biology, as well as consumer behaviorism. At Penn, I am a part of the Penn band, the Kite and Key Society(for student tour guides), the Wind Ensemble, Club Skiing and Snowboarding, Club Lacrosse, and other professional clubs. In my free time, I like to work out, hang out with friends, and listen to music. I also spend a lot of time playing drums and doing community service activities.
At high school, I was an international student proctor, a peer tutor, and the co-president of the writing center, so I have some experience in helping students adjusting to the school life as well as helping them in their academic works. I was also involved in many other activities and would be happy to talk about my experience! I am excited to work with the students and hope to see them soon!
I am Carl (王建一), a rising freshman in college. Recently I graduated from Fountain Valley School of Colorado, a boarding school in the States. I graduated high school with Cum Laude and as for the future holds, I am entering Hamilton College, a small liberal art college in New York State, in the spring of 2021.
Personally, I am interested in literature, history and western philosophy and I spend much of my time reading and writing as well. I am looking at potentially pursuing one of the humanity majors in college while learning French and Latin throughout the four years.
During my free time, I enjoy the companion of my friends and teachers. I am an easy-going and somewhat well-liked person, not necessarily a social animal. I ran cross country and played lacrosse in high school. I also enjoy watching hockey and American football. Sports and team spirit is an important part of my personality development in the past; and for which I truly value a positive and encouraging environment, whether that be of studying or otherwise.
All being said, I look forward to working with all the students and families in the future!
我是任韬澍 Richard,现在是一名大学一年级新生。我高中毕业于位于美国德克萨斯州的 TMI Episcopal 私立寄宿学校。我即将就读位于乔治亚州亚特兰大市的私立综合大学 Emory University。我倾向的专业是历史和政治科学,再之后可能会就读法学院。学术方面,我对于不同主题的历史有浓厚的兴趣,曾具体学习过欧洲近代史、美国史、中东近代史等等中的一些主题。另外我对墨西哥文化以及西班牙语也很感兴趣,曾在高中时期学习过三年西班牙语课程并积极参与墨西哥文化活动。
Hi there! My name is David Zhang Jr. but I go by Dave, I’m currently 20 years old. I am a Canadian born Chinese who has lived in China, Hong Kong and the US. I have spent the past two years studying at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. I have also attended boarding school and international schools. I am well-traveled, have interests in film, history and rugby.
Hi!我是 Tia 龚天颖 ,即将成为 Boston University 波士顿大学心理学的大一新生,目前间隔学期 gap semester 中。这个暑假我刚从美高 Friends School of Baltimore 毕业。我在学校打 Lacrosse(棍网球),并担任中国棍网球国家队的球队经理。平时我喜欢健身、做饭。希望来到 OnBroad+ 和大家一起共同进步!
I am Lily, a rising sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania studying psychology and business. I graduated from Institut Le Rosey, a boarding school in Switzerland.
I am interested in visual arts and music. At Penn, I am majoring in psychology, behavioral economics, and retailing. I also have consumer psychology, fine arts, and French as my minors. In addition, I am a part of the Wharton Retail Club and the Penn Wharton China Summit, and other professional clubs. In my free time, I like hanging out with friends, playing video games, and listening to music. I also go skiing/snowboarding every winter.
At high school, I was a member of the student committee and a peer tutor. Therefore I could also help students with adapting their new school life socially and academically. I am excited to work with the students and hope to see them soon!
Pengyu Si, known as SP, is a sophomore at Columbia College. Finding reason and the senses equally beautiful, SP is a fan of both philosophy and the arts. When he is not reading, SP enjoys taking a stroll in the evening air, going out for dinner with friends, visiting an art museum, seeing a movie or a play, sleeping, and traveling. SP is disappointed that he is unable to return to campus this fall, but he looks forward to working with high school students and fellow student counselors at Shang NancyFriends.
大家好!我是 Sylvie,高中毕业于 Portsmouth Abbey,现在是 Boston College 的大二生,双修应用心理学和语言学。我从小非常喜欢中国舞,到了美高喜欢上了冰球和高尔夫,现在还在继续尝试新鲜事物。非常期待和大家成为朋友,一起努力进步!
Hey! I’m Cherry, a rising junior at Hamilton College. I graduated from Millbrook School with Cum Laude.
I am a double major in anthropology and economics. I also love photography and cross fits. At Hamilton, I am a network associate at the Career Center, a school photographer at the Communication Office, and a barista at the school’s café haha. I love serving my peers a well-frothed latte and a warm chocolate chip cookie every morning. Interacting with people is something that brings me the most joyJ Currently, I am a Levitt Summer Research grant recipient working on a paper about Chinese international students’ identity crisis amidst the global pandemic.
In high school, I was a dorm leader, the president of the Asian Student Association, and an international representative for admission. I played lacrosse and ran cross country in high school. I also went to Bhutan with the National Geographic as a student photographer and got bitten by 8 leeches!
Don’t let these titles to overwhelm you, what matters are the skills and experiences I have accumulated and how these experiences changed my mindset throughout the years. I would love to share my experience with you and make your “school” experience as productive and fun as possible!
大家好!我叫 Ashley,高中就读于加州 The Webb Schools,大学即将在美国首都华盛顿就读 Georgetown University 的政治经济专业,辅修西班牙语。我对公共政策很感兴趣,希望通过在大学研究不同领域的社会科学之间的相通性,更好地帮助身边的女性和少数族裔。
在 Webb 读书时,我是学校新生宿舍的宿舍长,帮助九年级的同学更好的适应新环境;我也是中文俱乐部部长和 Head Chinese Tutor。除此之外,我是学校的导游和教堂委员会的一员。我喜欢音乐,在学校的荣誉合唱团担任女低声部长也经常在学校的大小活动表演。我也很喜欢打网球,尽管加州的阳光让我黑了好几个色号。
我喜欢称自己为一个 community person,不仅仅在 Webb 收获了自己的第二个家,更在校外积极融入更多的大家庭。高中时我是北美留学故事公众号的总负责人,给更多的家庭以线上推文和线下活动的形式带来真实的美高留学故事;我也每年都去一所位于天津的国际孤儿院做志愿,更好的锻炼我的同理心、为身体有不足的孩子带来更加平等的资源和关照。
我很期待加入 Shang NancyFriends 这个新家庭,认识更多志同道合的小伙伴!
Hey guys! 我是 Selina 刘伊莎,毕业于包玉刚实验学校,即将成为布朗大学的大一新生。我对于英语、Creative nonfiction writing、Journalism 和法语这几个专业非常感兴趣,但作为一个以“自由散漫”著称的大学的学生,我也非常期待去尝试更多有意思的学科,仍由自己的专业方向“野蛮生长”。我非常喜欢语言,无论是学习一种新的语言还是模仿各地中国方言,并且希望在大学能熟练掌握法语和西班牙语。在高中,我是为学社,一个由学生教外籍老师中文和中国文化的社团的创办人。
学习之外,我算是半个“文艺青年”:对戏剧和即兴表演很感兴趣,经常参加高中的音乐剧和戏剧表演,喜欢摄影,喜欢写奇奇怪怪的诗和 personal essay。性格上,我是一个比较随和的人,一旦和我熟了之后甚至会发现我是个疯子。非常期待在 OnBoard+ 能和大家共同进步,学到一起,玩到一起!
Hi there! My name is Shannon and I’m from Beijing. I graduated from Mercersburg Academy this May as the salutatorian and a member of cum laude society.
I adore dance, the color and fruit orange, the feeling of mud (clay) on my hands, and infinitely prefer nonfiction over fiction books with the exception of Harry Potter fanfiction. While in high school I danced, founded and led the math club, co-directed the math and science center, and served as a fellow in the writing center. I was also a dedicated presence in the chapel both as an usher and a choir member.
I’m taking a gap year and will enroll at Stanford in the fall of 2021, double majoring in math + unknown. Right now I’m self-studying math, guitar, spanish and training for the half marathon.
I’m looking forward to working with everyone and learning alongside you all!
中国方言研究、音韵学研究,做过一个成熟的上海话输入法(入选 GitHub Arctic Code Vault 计划)
Hi! I’m Florence and I’m a rising sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania majoring in biology and finance+entrepreneurship. I graduated from Cheltenham Ladies College, a boarding school in the UK.
I am interested in molecular biology, entrepreneurship as well as behavioral economics. At Penn I am involved in Penn Undergraduate Biotech Society, Hypernova Consulting, Penn Wharton China Summit and Alzheimer’s Buddies (volunteering and community service) and other professional clubs. I am also involved in research in potential treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, photography, baking and hanging out with friends.
In high school, I volunteered at a disabled children’s school and a charity supporting orphan children with genetic defects. During the pandemic, I helped tutor high school students online every week to offer them the academic support they need. I’m happy to talk about anything about my academics and experiences and I can’t wait to meet all the students!
大家好!我是 Sarah 邱小娜。高中毕业于宾州的 The Hill School (希尔中学),即将在纽约大学读大一。倾向于酒店管理、经济及金融专业。学术方面,我对艺术历史也有浓厚的兴趣 - 尤其是古希腊、文艺复兴及印象派等时期的作品。课余时间内,我喜欢打壁球、健身和烹饪。此外,我还热爱摄影、录制短片和剪辑,并拥有自己的 Youtube Channel。
在 Hill 读书时,我是 International Prefect (国际生管理组长)、Head Of Tour(招生部导游组长)及 AP Economics TA(AP 经济学助教)。我会在这次 OnBoard+ 项目里充分运用我在担任这些职位时学到的经验。同时,我会把我最真诚、最有用,多年积累起来的学习和生活经验也分享给大家。
朋友常常说我是个开朗、平易近人的人。我喜欢参加各类社交活动,认识新的伙伴。希望在今年这样的特殊时期里不仅为大家做一位导师,更成为一位知心的朋友。非常期待与同学家长们见面,希望在 OnBoard+ 这个平台里同大家一起进步!Let’s work hard and play hard this fall!
Hi, I am Jessica (叶羽), a rising freshman at Barnard College (an all-girls liberal arts college affiliated with Columbia University). I graduated from The Hill School (a boarding school in Pennsylvania) as a member of the Cum Laude Society.
I am interested in the roles of languages and cultures in our emerging digital age, as well as how they have played a part in the development of media studies and cultural sociology. This is why I intend to double major in Sociology and Comparative Literature at Barnard College.
In high school, I was a crew member of technical theater, a soprano singer in Chorus, a writer of Hill News, and a peer tutor of Mathematics and Writing. Although I was mostly involved with performing arts at Hill, I also participated in several athletic teams such as swimming and softball. If anybody wants to learn more about my boarding school experience on the East Coast, feel free to contact me anytime! I look forward to working with all the students and parents in-person in the fall!
点击查看 OnBoard+ 项目由来一切从一个疯狂但也许很棒的想法开始说起